In this course, you will learn about solutions, software, and tools for the Renesas RX family of MCUs. This course introduces the Renesas development environment in an easy-to-understand manner to start your development.
New Videos
- 2025-02-28: e² studio Tips: Program Execution Methods During Debugging
2025-02-28: CC-RL/CC-RX/CC-RH Compiler: How to Use Multi-User Floating Licenses
2025-02-26: Reduce Time of Model-Based Development - Demonstration of the Embedded Target (Renewed the video of Jun. 29, 2022)
2025-02-20: Handling Workspaces and Projects in e² studio
build_circle Introductory
This video introduces tool and software information for the RX Family.
QE provides robust support for application development through three key concepts: Seamless, Navigation, and Professional. Designed to optimize efficiency, QE aims to outperform existing tools, offering a streamlined and intuitive experience across various environments.
This video introduces the emulator for developing RX family microcontroller circuits.
This video introduces the product configurations of the E2 Emulator Lite. The E2 Emulator Lite is a budget-friendly tool that supports full-scale development, making it ideal for first-time developers, educational projects, and mass-production flash programming.
This video will introduce the product configuration of the E2 emulator. The E2 emulator is an advanced on-chip debugging tool and flash programmer, designed to significantly enhance development efficiency.
This video shows how to determine the current consumption of a user system using the E2 emulator and e² studio.
This video introduces the external trigger I/O functions of the E2 emulator.
This video introduces optional products for PG-FP6.
This video compares two different programming tool products - Renesas Flash Programmer and PG-FP6 - and introduces them to help you select the suitable product for your needs.
- e² studio
This video demonstrates how to install e² studio for Renesas RX and RL78.
This video demonstrates how to create a project using an RX device in e² studio.
This video demonstrates how to build and debug for Renesas RX in e² studio.
This video demonstrates how to get and set up the Renesas Flash Programmer, and use it with the Target Board for RX140.
This video demonstrates how to get and set up PG-FP6 and how to use it.
This video demonstrates how to install e² studio and CC-RX compiler on Linux Host.
This video demonstrates how to install e² studio and GCC for the RX toolchain on a Linux PC.
This video demonstrates how to build and debug for Renesas RX in e² studio on Linux host.
This video introduces how to install e² studio and GCC for Renesas RX toolchain on macOS.
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code
This video demonstrates how to install Renesas Extensions for Visual Studio Code (VS Code).
This video demonstrates creating, building, and debugging an RX Smart Configurator project using Visual Studio Code.
This video shows how to build and debug RX projects in Visual Studio Code (VS Code).
build_circle Tool Feature
Starting with e² studio 2023-07, new modes have been added for simplified installation operation. This video shows the simplified e² studio installer.
This video will show you how to install everything you need in e² studio without omission.
This video demonstrates how to change the display language of e² studio.
This video demonstrates how to install an open-source toolchain (OSS) for use with e² studio.
This video shows how to install multiple e² studio versions on one computer.
This video explains how to add new device family support in e² studio.
This video will show you how to install an additional toolchain (compiler) in e² studio.
This video introduces the GUI window Welcome page, which is useful if you are new to e² studio or just want to know the operating tips.
This video covers how to handle workspaces and projects in e² studio.
This video explains how to add new device family support in e² studio.
This video shows how to change the device in the e² studio project.
This video demonstrates an easy way to find and import sample code that works for your device.
When you need MCU/MPU technical information, you can quickly find it on e² studio without surfing the web. This video demonstrates how to easily access MCU/MPU technical information using the Smart Browser.
Sometimes errors related to the toolchain occur when building, for example, after importing a project. In this case, setting the compiler version in the toolchain settings can solve the problem. This video shows how to set up the toolchain in e² studio 2022-01 or later.
This video demonstrates how to specify the linkage order for CC-RX and CC-RL builders in e² studio.
A HEX file is needed, for example, when writing a program to ROM. This video shows how to create a HEX file and how to set the output format when using the CC-RX compiler.
This video shows how to save the build log and how to set the number of lines displayed in the Console view.
This video shows how to manage source code using EGit in e² studio if your development project uses the version control system Git.
This video will show you two ways to download binary data in e² studio.
This video shows how to export and import an e² studio project in .zip format in e² studio.
This video shows how to import CS+ for CC project into e² studio.
During coding or debugging, you may want to check IO register specifications. In such cases, you can easily check it on e² studio without having to search in the hardware manual. This video shows some easy ways to quickly check IO register specifications using the Smart Manual.
This short video shows you how to quickly indent your code into a neat and easily readable format.
During development, you repeatedly open views, use functions, configure behaviors, view files, and more. This video will show you how to use Quick Access to operate e² studio more quickly.
This video introduces useful shortcut keys for edit operations in e² studio.
This video demonstrates how to use the convenient Editor view.
This video introduces useful shortcut keys for debug operations in e² studio.
This video explains how to display and configure Hot Keys (keyboard shortcuts). This allows you to customize e² studio to improve your workflow.
This tutorial shows you how to quickly create loops in your C code.
This video demonstrates various ways to execute a program during debugging in e² studio.
This video demonstrates how to use the Breakpoints view during debugging in e² studio.
This video demonstrates how to watch real-time variables in e² studio.
The Real-time Chart view plots the value of a variable against time. This video shows how to use the Real-time Chart view in the e² studio debugger.
This video demonstrates a useful use of the IO Registers (SFR) view when debugging in e² studio.
This video demonstrates how to use the CPU register view during debugging in e² studio.
The e² studio is an eclipse-based IDE from Renesas Electronics. This video shows how to use the Memory Usage view in e² studio.
This video demonstrates a useful use of the Memory view when debugging in e² studio.
e² studio is an Eclipse-based IDE from Renesas Electronics. Visual Expressions is a graphical display that will allow you to show a variable using a graphic. After watching this short video, you will be able to set up a Visual Expressions display while in a debug session in e² studio, including: opening a Visual Expressions window view, creating a Gauge, and creating a Dial to accept real-time input.
Simple debugging can be achieved by writing printf statements in the source code. If you change the source code, you need to rebuild and restart the program, which is time-consuming. This video will show you how to use printf debugging without changing the source code.
This video uses the RX130 MCU as an example to demonstrate how to check reprogramming using the flash module FIT in e² studio.
- Code Generator: Smart Configurator
This video shows how to use the settings of Clocks and Components in Smart Configurator.
This video introduces the Smart Configurator for the RX family.
This video shows how to create a blinky project with Smart Configurator on e2 studio.
This video demonstrates how to create a Smart Configurator project in e² studio.
Most Renesas boards provide several features for developing applications on Renesas microcontrollers. Smart configurator includes a new functionality for selecting suitable software for each of these board features. This video will demonstrate this new functionality using the Renesas Starter Kit+ for RX671.
This video demonstrates how to configure Pmod connections for a board using Smart Configurator.
This video demonstrates how to transfer component settings from one project to another when using Smart Configurator.
This video introduces the Smart Configurator Developer Assistance feature that helps you code with ease, improving software development efficiency.
This video shows how to create an LED blinking program by using the Compare Match Timer (CMT) in Smart Configurator.
This video demonstrates how to create a program that uses the potentiometer to control the LED.
This video introduces a Smart Configurator feature for easy download of missing FIT modules in your imported project. By using this feature, you can download all the missing FIT modules with just one click.
This video demonstrates how to display pre-downloaded FIT modules in Smart Configurator.
This video demonstrates how to change the FIT module version in Smart Configurator.
This video shows how to use the sample projects bundled with FIT modules using Smart Configurator in e² studio.
This video shows how to migrate a Code Generator project to a Smart Configurator project in e² studio.
How to Use the Smart Configurator and FIT Modules with IAR Embedded Workbench for RX.
This video shows how to use RX Smart Configurator with IAR Embedded Workbench for an Azure RTOS project.
This video shows how to use the “User code protection feature” in Smart Configurator.
This video demonstrates how to use the Smart Configurator feature to generate HEX values for Code Generator drivers.
This video demonstrates how to use symbolic names with Smart Configurator on e² studio.
- Compiler
This video introduces the types of licenses for Renesas compilers.
This video demonstrates a basic usage of the Renesas compiler License Manager.
This video demonstrates how floating licenses for the CC-RL, CC-RX, and CC-RH compilers now support multi-user access, using an example of multiple users connecting simultaneously via Windows Desktop.
This video demonstrates how to use the license manager for Linux with the CC-RL, CC-RX, and CC-RH Compilers.
This video demonstrates the configuration of the stack area for an RX microcontroller using the CC-RX compiler and e² studio.
This video shows how to configure the CC-RL/CC-RX/CC-RH compiler to improve the execution speed of a program containing loops.
This video introduces how to use a new trigonometric function unit of RX, — TFUv2, with the CC-RX compiler.
This video introduces how to use the trigonometric function unit (TFUv1) included in devices such as RX72N with CC-RX compiler.
This video demonstrates how to use MISRA C Rule Check, a feature of the CC-RL/CC-RX/CC-RH compiler (Professional edition), using e² studio.
- Programmer
This video introduces how to use the Command line of Renesas Flash Programmer.
This video introduces the features of the PG-FP6 Gang Programmer and demonstrates how to use it by using the Evaluation Kit.
chevron_right Touch key solution
chevron_right Graphic User Interface solution
chevron_right Cloud Connectivity solution
chevron_right Bluetooth® Low Energy solution
chevron_right Security solution
chevron_right Voice Recognition solution
chevron_right Model-Based Development
touch_app Touch key solution
- Touch Switches (Contact)
For the development of embedded systems that are work with capacitive touch sensors, this tool simplifies the initial settings of the touch user interface and the tuning of the sensitivity, thus shortening developing times.
This video explains the software settings required for touch sensor detection.
This video explains the procedure for very simple sensitivity tuning.
This video explains the procedure for sensitivity monitoring and adjustment.
This video shows how to tune a touch sensor via serial communication using a plug-in of QE for Capacitive Touch.
In this video, we will show you how to use the Monitoring Log feature of QE for Capacitive Touch to reproduce monitoring and review detailed monitoring data.
QE for Capacitive Touch Feature - A New Workflow Diagram in QE v3.2.0 [02:06]
The workflow diagram has been updated in QE for Capacitive Touch v3.2.0. In this video, we introduce the new workflow diagram.
With QE for Capacitive Touch and a microcontroller featuring CTSU2S, you can choose between two touch detection methods: software judgment and auto judgment by hardware. The auto judgment by hardware option also consumes less power than the software-based approach.
You can select between two judgment modes—Value Majority Mode and Judgment Majority Mode—using QE for Capacitive Touch with a microcontroller equipped with CTSU2.
In this video, we will show you how to tune via serial communication using the standalone application.
By using the standalone application, you can develop applications that involve capacitive touch sensors, even in an integrated development environment other than e² studio such as CS+.
In this video, we will show you how to migrate the touch modules using the compatible APIs with QE tool.
In the new version of the modules, an internal design and all APIs have been completely reviewed to improve accuracy and performance.
- Touch-Free User Interface (U/I)
In this video, we will show you how to develop a 3D gesture AI solution using QE for Capacitive Touch. You can easily develop a 3D gesture recognition function by just following the workflow.
In this video, we will show you how to create the gesture data for developing 3D gesture AI solutions using QE for Capacitive Touch.
In this video, we will show you how to monitor the created gesture AI for developing 3D gesture AI solutions using QE for Capacitive Touch.
tablet Graphic User Interface solution
This video describes the GUI development process used in the RX65N Envision Kit.
Introducing the entire process from project launch to image quality adjustment and installing the partner GUI tools.
Shorter excerpts from the main video covering individual steps of the adjustment processes as listed below are also available.
Step1: QE for Display Tutorial: How to Prepare a Project [02:41]
Step2: QE for Display Tutorial: How to Adjust LCD [02:09]
Step3: QE for Display Tutorial: How to Create GUI [03:49]
Tutorial video of a new project to display PowerPoint images on an LCD.
In this video, we will show you how to create a new project and the procedure for workflow Step 1: preparation for QE for Display [RX, RA] to use serial LCD on RX family.
In this video, we will show you the procedure for workflow Step 3: GUI creation on LCD for QE for Display [RX, RA] to use serial LCD on the RX family.
support Motor solution
This video demonstrates how to search for and download the motor control sample project from the Renesas website and how to import it into the e² studio workspace.
This video demonstrates how to set the software configuration for motor control for the RX family.
RX Smart Configurator for Motor (2/3) - Add User Code [02:16]
RX Smart Configurator for Motor (3/3) - Run Motor Project [04:16]
These videos introduce the "Sensorless Vector Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor" sample project using the RZ24T/RX24U (Application note: R01AN5497).
It demonstrates how to create a motor project, add user code, and run the motor project.
cloud Cloud Connectivity solution
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
This video demonstrates how RX MCUs and FreeRTOS communicate with Amazon Web Services (AWS) while achieving low-power operations with MCUs running intermittently.
This video shows how to use Smart Configurator in e² studio for FreeRTOS IoT.
This tutorial walks you through setting up Amazon Web Services, creating initial firmware, and executing an OTA with updated firmware using QE for OTA.
This video introduces a demonstration of firmware OTA update of secondary device connected to a gateway device that communicates with Amazon Web Service.
FreeRTOS Fleet Provisioning Tutorial CK-RX65N (2/2) - Program build [07:30]
This video guides you how to perform Fleet Provisioning using the FreeRTOS.
This video guides you through performing Over-the-Air (OTA) using FreeRTOS, detailing the installation of Tera Term, Python, OpenSSL, and the Renesas Image Generator.
This video guides you on how to create the initial firmware for FreeRTOS with Over-the-Air (OTA) demo.
This video guides you on how to create the updated firmware for FreeRTOS with Over-the-Air (OTA) demo.
This video provides a summary of the FreeRTOS PubSub demo using Trusted Secure IP (TSIP).
This video provides a step-by-step guide on configuring the environment for the FreeRTOS PubSub demo with Trusted Secure ID (TSIP). It covers preparation, setting up AWS, and getting ready to run the demo project.
This video provides step-by-step instructions for generating encryption keys for the FreeRTOS PubSub demo with Trusted Secure ID (TSIP).
This video provides step-by-step instructions for building the FreeRTOS PubSub demo with Trusted Secure ID (TSIP).
This video provides step-by-step instructions for running the FreeRTOS PubSub demo with Trusted Secure ID (TSIP).
This video explains the preparation to launch Tracealyzer® during application development in e² studio for Renesas' RX Family of MCUs.
- Microsoft Azure
This video shows how to use Smart Configurator in e² studio for Azure RTOS.
Azure RTOS Tutorial (2/3) CK-RX65N: Program Build [07:42]
Azure RTOS Tutorial (3/3) CK-RX65N: Cloud Operation [06:42]
This video series shows how to use Azure RTOS with the CK-RX65N. It will guide you on how to connect the CK-RX65N to Microsoft Azure and work with the cloud.
Azure RTOS Tutorial CK-RX65N (2/4) - Cloud operation for ADU [05:03]
Azure RTOS Tutorial CK-RX65N (3/4) - Upload the updated firmware for ADU [09:57]
Azure RTOS Tutorial CK-RX65N (4/4) - Firmware update operation for ADU [05:37]
This video guides you how to perform ADU (OTA) using the Azure RTOS.
This video demonstrates how to perform firmware OTA updates on the leaf device connected to a host device by using Microsoft Azure ADU. The leaf device is also called a secondary device.
This tutorial walks you through setting up Microsoft Azure, creating initial firmware, and executing OTA with updated firmware using QE for OTA.
Debugging with Azure RTOS TraceX using only the CK-RX65N board is useful for Azure RTOS TraceX developers.
bluetooth Bluetooth® Low Energy solution
This tutorial demonstrates how to use the "Renesas Starter Kit+ for RX65N-2MB" evaluation kit and the DA14531 Pmod module to control LED lighting via Bluetooth® Low Energy communication from a smartphone.
This tutorial will walk you through the process of creating a Bluetooth Low Energy profile and communicating with a smartphone.
security Security solution
This video introduces an overview of the integrated crypto engines including highlights of the RX Firmware Integration Technology (FIT) modules needed to incorporate security engine functionality into your applications.
This video provides an overview of the secure storage of application keys, including protection of the keys, key wrapping, and use cases for installation, update, and storage.
This video walks through the process of secure key installation on your MCU using the Security Key Management Tool to ensure the plain text of your application key is not exposed.
This video explains how to get a new application key update onto your device when products are already in use without plain text key exposure.
Fifth in the RX security video series – Renesas walks through the process of secure factory programming on your MCU using the Security Key Management Tool to ensure the plain text of your application program is not exposed.
Sixth in the RX security video series – Renesas walks through the process of encrypting the application program and performing a Secure Firmware Update using the Security Key Management Tool so that the plain text of the application program to be updated is not exposed when updating the application program.
This video demonstrates how to use the IAR Systems (Secure Thingz) Embedded Trust security development tool when targeting the Renesas RX65 microcontroller.
volume_up Voice Recognition solution
This video shows how to use an evaluation tool that enables easy implementation of speech recognition functions.
dashboard Model-Based Development
Reduce Time of Model-Based Development - Demonstration of the Embedded Target [04:50]
This video will show a useful software tool: Embedded Target. It can help developers reduce both testing time and costs in model-based development. Embedded Target can create an automatically configured model for the PILS environment. Next it generates a Renesas IDE project for PILS. Finally, model verification is performed by checking the execution time on an MCU or simulator.
Related Links
RX 32-Bit Performance / Efficiency MCUschevron_right
RX Family FAQschevron_right
RX Video Library (Promotion Videos and Demos)chevron_right
RX online training moduleschevron_right
Renesas Engineering Communitychevron_right